The flag man

The flag man
The Answer To Our Problems

Friday, December 9, 2011

Satan will offer you anything to sabotage our Assignment of the resurrection of our people

Here are the 3 most effective bait strategies Satan will use: 1 He may use the bait of fame and glamour 2: Satan may use the bait of finnancial possessions 3: Satan often uses the bait of sexual seduction.

The resurrection of our people is the thing that Satan does not want at any cost. He will use bait to take us from our assignement. Anything that distract you is bait. What can delay your pursuit of God daily is bait. What detours you from your calling is bait. What has the potential to destroy your faith is bait. We must never linger in the presence of those who do not respect our assignment. 

When the wrong people leave you right things will begin to happen. Our friends affect our future so we must be careful about the people we considers friends. Each relationship feeds a weakness or a strenght. Every relationship is a current that sweeps you toward your assignment or moves you away from it. Some relationships can damage you irreparably, that's why the scriptures say "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Ephesians 5:11). We have to have relationships that multiply our wisdom " He that walk with the wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed" (proverbs 13:20). The prupose of wisdomis to disconnect us form the wrong people for the lord gives wisdom to deliver us from the way of the evil man and to deliver us from the strange women.

It is our personal responsibility to inspire others to assist us in our assignemt. We must develop our speaking skills and make every conversation count. We must cultivate conscienceness and clarity when alking to others. Remember the quality of our questions will determine the quality of our discoveries.

Thank you for reading these few words.

Maurice Muhammad

Minister of Information

Black Unity

Saturday, December 3, 2011

This is what we must do in order to survive the Fall of America

"We are at war! Our survival as a people is at stake. We all are going to be tested in this Autumn. America is living on borrowed time. Time for talk is over! To be free sacrifice must be made! Blood must flow if we are to be free." Minister Louis Farrakhan

The masses of our people are on a Death March into the oven of social deterioration, broken homes, broken marriages, broken minds, broken spirit, evolving from a string of broken promises by government and leadership that has failed to help our people turn around the misery and wretchedness of our condition. The knowledge to correct the horror of our condition is among us. The potential force and power to cause us to rise as a people is among us. The finance to fuel our rise is also among us.

The challenge facing all of us is to rise above the things that have kept us divided in the past, by focusing us on the agenda of creating a better future for our people to see how all of us, with all of our varied differences, can come together and direct our energy, not at each other, but at the condition of the reality of the suffering of our people, that we might use all of our skills, gifts and talents to create a better world for ourselves, our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. It is time for us to stop thinking and acting solely on behalf of our churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and organizations. It is time for us as leaders to come together and begin to think, plan, and act on behalf of the whole of our people. Each of us has gradually come to the conclusion that no one organization or leader can solve the many problems we face.  All of our leaders and organizations has done the best it could working on its agenda and programs – yet, our people are slipping further behind.

I have come painfully to the conclusion that we need each other desperately. Allah (God) has given us gifts, skills and talents that must be gathered, harnessed, organized and structured in a way that will enable us to lift our people from where we are to where Allah (God) wants us to be.

This is the challenge of the time. Within us is the will to do this, however, our will must be fed by the insatiable desire to see our people, free, justified and equal with the best in civilized society. Therefore, it is proper that we seize this moment in time, recapture the spirit of the million man, women, youth and family marches, and make the necessary sacrifice to save ourselves and our people. All of our leaders, teachers and guides who have paid the ultimate price have led us to this moment; all of our people who have died hoping for a better day have led us to this moment; all of those whose hope is lost, who are dying in the streets of America, the homeless, the sick and diseased, those imprisoned, our political prisoners, our veterans, our youth locked in a culture of death, the jobless, the destitute, the forlorn, the abandoned, have led us to this moment in time.

The future of our people depends upon our ability to mobilize.


There is no better time to mobilize and organize our people locally, and, put systems in place that will permit a successful programmatic thrust to bring to fruition what we envision for ourselves and our people.


Toward this end, we must gather the best, brightest and most willing minds to mobilize and organize our people, and to develop short and long range plans and programs for:

1. Spiritual and moral development 2. Educational development 3. Economic development 4. Political development 5. Social development 6. Cultural development 9. Health development

To develop the systems necessary to bring these plans and program initiatives to fruition. We must develop strategic alliances to further our aims. We must never form an alliance from a position of weakness, but, rather from a position of strength. We must forge unity with the struggle of the African Union to develop Africa, with the Caribbean, Central and South America, with the Isles of the Pacific, and with our Native American Brothers and Sisters. We must develop a skills bank, the talent of which should be used in the development of our people in the United States and World Wide.

"We are here to put our foot so DEEP in the behind of the WEAK and the WICKED!" Minister Louis Farrakhan


We must demand an end to police brutality and mob attacks.
We must demand an end to the lack of adequate health care and substandard education.
We must demand an end to racial profiling, the herding of our young men and women into prisons and the biological and chemical warfare being perpetrated against our people.
We must demand reparations.
We must demand that America take the appropriate steps to help in the repair of the damage done to the descendants of slaves for 300 years of slavery, 100 years of segregation, and 50 plus years of the misuse and abuse of governmental power to destroy Black organizations and leaders that have over the years been working to heal the condition of nearly 40 million of our people in America. To this end, Christians, Muslims, Hebrews, Jews, agnostics, nationalists, socialists, men, women and youth are coming together in agreement that the time is now for us to articulate our demands, and to accept our responsibility to change the condition and reality of our lives. Even though we petition the government, our covenant must first be with our Creator and with each other.

We were taught that our word must be our bond. When we break our word we destroy the life of the covenant or the agreement that we have made. It is absolutely necessary that as leaders we must build trust among ourselves. We can only build trust when we strive to keep our word, particularly a solemn agreement or covenant that we make with each other and with our people.

Ever since our fathers set the soles of their feet in the western hemisphere, particularly since the ending of chattel slavery, many promises have been made to us as well as to others by the Government of the United States of America that have been broken because those who have given their word to us and the Native Americans had no intentions of fulfilling what they put on paper as a treaty or what they wrote as a law where we are concerned. Every gain that our leaders and their followers fought, bled, and even died to give us, while we celebrated the success of the agreement or the law, the process began to erode and destroy the life of that agreement.

Therefore, it is wise and prudent that we make a covenant among ourselves as leaders and make a covenant or solemn agreement with our people that we sign, and, in signing declare in our hearts and publicly that our word shall be our bond. In so doing, we as leaders can create the spirit of unity in our people. Then, we need not make a demand. Our unity will command our presence at whatever table, in whatever forum we decide to be a part of and gain for us whatever we desire for our people.

"Our presence here is to bury the attitude of those who founded America in their short-sighted vision What will we leave our children if not a nation and land to build upon? We're not here to march. We're here to unite for the purpose to build a future. A new nation is coming in." Minister Louis Farrakhan


This is the written covenant with God that is found in the Word of God in the Bible, "If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land." II Chronicles Chapter 7 verse 14. The burden is on us to fulfill our part. The Quran teaches this truth similarly in these words, "Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change within themselves."

Family the burden is on us to change our behavior; to build love, trust and confidence in each other and in our people for us, then, 95% of our problems shall have been solved. We, as leaders must declare that we will never sell out the aspirations of our people for personal wealth, position and advancement in the society of our former slave masters and their children. We must make a covenant with our people to work and sacrifice and be willing to be the good shepherd (leaders) who will lay down our lives for our people. Let us accept our responsibility and change our behavior to that which will make us more than comrades and brothers, but a behavior that will make us friends and companions in the struggle for the total liberation of our people here and wherever we are found on this earth.

"Freedom means we have to go to work... Sitting around begging others is not the answer. "It our Genesis... It must start with land and farming." Minister Louis Farrakhan

The Nine Ministries to Build a Nation: 1. Health & Human Services, 2.  Agriculture, 3.  Education, 4.  Defense, 5. Art & Culture, 6. Trade & Commerce, 7. Justice, 8. Information and 9. Science & Technology.

Through these 9 Ministries will solve all our problems that we face as a community and we must duplicate this in all cities for the total liberation of our people.

The Truth about who Killed Brother Malcolm X

The key to understanding Malcolm's assassination is the last year of his life. He spent over half of it outside the United States, on four separate trips abroad. In his Autobiography Malcolm tells the well-known story of his transforming April l964 Hajj to Mecca, where he experienced a profound unity of worship with Muslims of every race, including those "whose hair was the blondest of blond, and whose skin was the whitest of white." The Autobiography says little, however, of Malcolm's July 9 to November 24, l964, travels through Africa, an equally important story he was saving for a book he didn't live to write.

The purpose of Malcolm's tour of Africa was to internationalize the plight of Afro-Americans in the U.S. Malcolm went first to Cairo, where he attended the African Summit Conference and appealed to the delegates of 34 African nations "to help us bring our problem before the United Nations, on the grounds that the United States is morally incapable of protecting the lives and the property of 22 million African-Americans." Malcolm wanted to unmask the U.S. government at the United Nations. He was taken seriously in that purpose by African heads of state and by his own government. U.S. intelligence agents followed him closely, as can be seen from CIA and FBI documents. Malcolm was acutely aware of the surveillance, which was made obvious by the agents in order to intimidate him. At the Cairo conference Malcolm collapsed with stomach pains and was rushed to a hospital. His stomach was pumped, and he survived. The doctors told him he had consumed "a toxic substance" at dinner. They ruled out food poisoning. Malcolm thought he had been poisoned by the same forces that were shadowing him. He then wrote an open letter to friends in Harlem in which he said:

"You must realize that what I am trying to do is very dangerous, because it is a direct threat to the entire international system of racist exploitation ... Therefore, if I die or am killed before making it back to the States, you can rest assured that what I've already set in motion will never be stopped...Our problem has been internationalized (Malcolm X, By Any Means Necessary)."

Malcolm continued his human rights campaign for African-Americans for four and a half months throughout Africa, speaking before huge crowds in nation after nation, dogged everywhere by the CIA. Malcolm's friend, the writer Louis Lomax wrote: "By then the CIA was following Malcolm's every move; agents were aboard every flight he took, other agents watched his hotels and even kept him under surveillance during meal time" (Louis E. Lomax, To Kill a Black Man). Malcolm told his sister, Ella Collins, that he narrowly avoided another poisoning in Ethiopia.

On February 9, l965, twelve days before his assassination, Malcolm X was barred from visiting France on another speaking trip. When his plane landed, the French government without explanation ordered him to leave the country. Malcolm believed the State Department was responsible. After Malcolm's death, journalist Eric Norden discovered the reason why France had barred Malcolm. Norden was told by a North African diplomat that "his country's intelligence apparatus had been quietly informed by the French Department of Alien Documentation and Counter-Espionage that the CIA planned Malcolm's murder, and France feared he might be liquidated on its soil." The diplomat then commented in elegantly modulated French: "Your CIA is beginning to murder its own citizens now."

On the day before his assassination, Malcolm X phoned Alex Haley and told him why he was going to stop saying that it was the Muslims who were about to kill him. He said: "I know what [the Muslims] can do and what they can't, and they can't do some of the stuff recently going on."

Malcolm then made a final remark that Haley thought "an odd, abrupt change of subject" but which may have been no change of subject at all: "You know, I'm glad I've been the first to establish official ties between Afro-Americans and our blood brothers in Africa." Malcolm knew that was the real reason his life had been targeted. And he had no regrets.

But there may have been a second reason. Continuous FBI and CIA surveillance had discovered that Malcolm was exploring an even more startling alliance than his ties with African leaders, a collaboration with Dr. Martin Luther King. On February l4, l965, Malcolm and Martin conferred on the phone. Their conversation was described by William Kunstler: "There was sort of an agreement that they would meet in the future and work out a common strategy, not merge their two organizations, but that they would work out a method to work together in some way. And that led to the bombing of Malcolm's house that evening in East Elmhurst and his assassination one week later."

As those who were monitoring their communications knew, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were moving toward an alliance that would have shaken the system to its foundations. Both were targeted.

Stop blaming the Nation of Islam and let's punish the guilty party! These same bastards killed King and both Kennedy Brothers! Truth has come to you!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A closer look into OWS and their racism

This gives you he inside view and it's all original stuff straight from OWS & POC working group I just copied and paste so you can see this is 100% actual facts.

from sonny singh
sender-time Sent at 9:48 PM (GMT-04:00). Current time there: 11:35 PM. ✆
to poc-working-group
date Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 9:48 PM
subject POC-OWS letter of solidarity from white allies
mailing list Filter messages from this mailing list
Important mainly because of the words in the message.

hey all, thanks for a great meeting today. lots of follow ups from there coming soon (karina, can you email me the notes you took?) this note was passed to me before the meeting. we didn't have time to read it, but i thought i'd type it out and send to everyone. working with white allies will be on the agenda at our next meeting. We wish to express solidarity with the People of Color Working Group.  We want to make it clear that we are not trying to sit in on the meetings, and acknowledge and respect the importance of safe space and a people of color only group.  We see the need for white people to become actively involved in dismantling the pervasive racism at Occupy Wall Street and in greater society.  We intend to form an ally group and hope for it to be in direct communication with the People of Color Working Group.  Please send any feedback, concerns, suggestions or criticism.  We would like to meet with you in person, if anyone is down.  Please call us.

In love and solidarity,

Jen Waller  510 326 3652  

from q-bird
sender-time Sent at 2:04 PM (GMT-07:00). Current time there: 8:46 PM. ✆
to People of Color Working Group
date Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 2:04 PM
subject POC-OWS Undemocratic methods in Occupy Tulsa.
mailing list  

Important mainly because of the words in the message.

I am a Native American/Chicano leader in Tulsa and I joined the local
group from the beginning. I helped explain Facilitation, Consensus
Decision Making and Mediation/Conflict Resolution to the group and was
elected to head up an Outreach Committee. Then I posted my thoughts on
having accountable leadership and was immediately attacked by a woman
leader (she bought the web page) and who has a history
of disrupting groups in this city. Then she blocked me from the main
Facebook page and even the Open Discussion Facebook page. Of course I
cannot post anything to the web site. Then this man, Samuel Molik, who
claims to be a friend of Chris Hedges, came up with a justification
for blocking me: I should not question the No Leadership model, handed
down from OWS. I should also apologize for contacting other leaders
about this. I said, while I support the goals of the OWS, we in Tulsa
have the right to create our own processes of leadership and
accountability. There is no Line or Ideology handed down on high. So I
continued my work in the Outreach Committee as I have many contacts in
the Immigration Rights, Dream Act, Native American and Latino
communities. Today I just found out that this group of self appointed
leaders created a new Outreach Working Group, without input or
decisions from the General Assembly. With new admins appointed by her,
including Samuel Molik. I can send copies of correspondence  from me
to this group for further documentation. Roberto Mendoza             918-408-9127    

Dear folks of color,

After an alarming Security report about increase of violence (the "shoelace" report on racist skinhead groups!*&(*&!) as well as the report byJaraner@s Harassed at OWS, and reports of sexual  harassment, and after an incident of racism/discrimination/intimidation I encountered--- i think it is urgent to pass an anti-racist Code of Conduct, address these issues at Safer Spaces Committee----also attempts at censoring others or silencing as also forms of racism that need to be addressed. So if there are sisters and brothers here, who can help to set up a protocol, please come to the meeting below.

Here is an email from Mathew Presto inviting member here for input.

I've been involved with the Safer Spaces Committee and we've been working hard to implement a Community Agreement and Accountability Process. We were going to begin discussing the agreement at the GA last night but had to cancel it due to the craziness with cleanup and whatnot. I'm hoping it can be con sensed upon shortly. We plan to specifically reach out to the People of Color Caucus and Women's Caucus for their input as to what should be included before presenting a final proposed version. (There are also members of each caucus involved with our committee.) I agree that structures need to be put in place to deal with larger issues, and it'staking longer than we had hoped, but I'm hoping the current infrastructure for mediation can help with your particular issue.

Safer Spaces Committee is meeting on Sunday at 5.

And/or, if you have any ideas for what you'd like to see in a community agreement, I'd greatly appreciate your input.


Peace everyone,
I wanted to share an article with all of you on a womyn of color being
harassed at Wall Street. It touches a nerve with me because I have
been concerned for a long time that this movement is failing to
address patriarchy and white supremacy as part of the larger picture
of why this country is the way it is with the inclusion of capitalism.
I would like to hope we are all making sure amongst ourselves we have
a safe space to check ourselves on our own internalized oppression
moving forward and make sure to keep our sisters of color safe as
well, as we bear the brunt of the burden in this country and globally:

The Value of a Safe Space: One WOC’s experience with harassment at Occupy Wall Street
By Ashwini Hardikar

Is Occupy Wall Street an inclusive movement? I’ve discussed this in-depth with so many of my friends, colleagues and comrades over the past weeks. It seemed to me that while almost everyone felt inspired by the movement, many were reluctant to directly participate. I read notes from meetings and blog posts where people discussed the unsettling elements of racism, sexism and queer/transphobia that
seemed to be present in so many of these “Occupy” spaces across the country. And at Occupy Wall Street on Indigenous People’s Resistance Day, I unfortunately came face to face with some of these elements myself. Walking with my friend M, we greeted old friends, took pictures of signs, and discussed (unsuccessfully) what kind of clever slogan we could come up with as teachers. We circled back around to the entrance, and I stood there trying to read a sign someone had posted about “ground rules” for the space. I felt an arm circle me tightly around the waist, and then a hand grabbing and squeezing my hip roughly. I quickly disentangled myself, turned, and saw a white man, probably in his late 30s, looking very pleased with himself. And I went off.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You can’t just touch people without their permission. It’s not ok to be in someone’s personal space if you haven’t gotten their consent. I have no idea who you are, you can’t just touch me!” I was yelling, getting louder and louder. I wondered if anyone was listening.

“I was just giving you a hug. I’m not allowed to give people hugs?” I couldn't believe he was arguing with me. My heart was racing. All those other times that I had been harassed or groped, and it happen
ed so quickly by a faceless assailant, or when I just felt paralyzed, flashed through my mind. All those times that I didn’t feel like I had a voice. This time, I had found mine somehow.

“No, you are not allowed to touch people if they haven’t asked you to. You’re giving this movement a bad name right now because you are going around and violating others’ space, and it makes people feel unsafe.” My voice sounded clear and very strong, even though I was shaking. Wow, I thought to myself, I know exactly what to say for once!

The man continued to argue with me. I finally told him, “I don’t want to discuss this anymore. You think about it.” He asked me one last time if he could give me a hug. “NO!” I screamed, and walked away.
As we walked, I told M I felt a bit shaken up, but that at the same time I felt empowered, and that I hoped that others had witnessed what had happened and how I responded. “You were on a roll!” M said. She gave me a (MOST WELCOME) hug and told me how proud she was of me. I hoped that my pulse would slow shortly. I thought about how ironic it was that a huge part of why I felt shaken was that I had spoken out, that I had been the center of attention loudly calling someone out. Sometimes, speaking out and not ignoring it, is the most difficult part.

We walked on further. We came across a young person chanting, “Lady Liberty is a whore!” I almost walked past him, but then I stopped. “What do you think calling someone a whore is accomplishing?” The youth was defensive and didn't really take my question seriously, but the man standing next to him thanked me for asking him that. Less than 10 minutes and two misogynistic incidents in a row. I said to M, “Wow, we’ve had a lot of crazy things said to recently, huh?” Yes, we had. The night before, we heard a group of youth yell “You fucking gook” while telling a story as we were exiting the subway. As we walked up the subway exit stairs, two men leered, “Look at this thick ass Asian girl.” Less than 24 hours, and at least 4 incidents of sexism, racism and misogyny towards women of color
directed towards me and my friend.

More stories began running through my mind from the not-so-distant past. A relative, the day before, telling me that her older white male landlord told her she had a “nice butt.” Another relative experiencing dating violence from a classmate. Women, queer and trans friends recounting that particular day’s outrageous act of interpersonal violence. My own frequent reluctance to make eye contact on
the street. So maybe this weekend wasn't that much of an anomaly afterall.

And here I was, at Occupy Wall Street, a space where people were supposedly confronting and resoundingly denouncing oppression of all kinds. I wondered why no one in the crowd of people who had seen what had happened besides M came over to me and asked me if I was okay. I wondered if anyone spoke with the man later and backed me up by denouncing his actions in a forthright manner.

The Occupy movement is inspiring for the very reason that it is an umbrella for people who believe in envisioning and constructing a different kind of world, one where justice is pursued through radically caring means. And in this world, all kinds of violence must never be excused. Within the spaces we are “occupying” at the moment, we need to be conscious of the traumas so many of us have experienced in our lives.  Our interactions with one another must come from a place of understanding that as we build community with one another, we cannot make assumptions about what types of interactions will be welcome or wanted.For women and queer and trans people of color especially, interpersonal violence has historically been intertwined with institutional violence, and the way in which we move through the world is informed by these histories and experiences. In order for the Occupy movements to be truly inclusive, they must also be safe. This will not be an easy process, but it’s one that everyone can be a part of.
Call out the violence, the harassment, the racist and queer/transphobic comments, the exclusion of people of color, queer and trans folks, and women from decision-making. Check in with those you witness being harassed, and see what kind of support they may want from you. Discuss problematic racial and gender dynamics in the space without being defensive. And then, let’s check ourselves in the process too.

Editor’s note:  Because of the prevalence of experiences like the ones Ashwini has described here, a group of people started the Safer Spaces Working Group at Occupy Wall Street in NYC.  Contact
for more information, and look for people wearing pink armbands in Liberty Square for support.
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Racism being fought within the OccupyWallStreet Movement: Philly- a case in poin

BLACK OUT! At Occupy Philadelphia

We had a Black Out! at Occupy Philadelphia. Why? Saturday,  two sisters were called Niggers by two of the volunteers at Occupy Philadelphia at the cell-phone charging stations.  They were also told to go back to Africa, and that each white man should own a slave. When the sista’s called security, security asked them to leave the premises because they thought they were apart of the UHURU movement.  Even if they were a part of that movement, they should not have been asked to leave. Especially  without any mention of their verbal and spiritual abuse. So a small collective formed a drummer’s circle on Sunday and started a rally, only to be met with on-lookers who didn't understand why there was a Pan-African flag at an “American” event.  We were called racist.  Many of the people there to support Occupy Philadelphia came to us to tell us that all of us are people and that race is behind us! They told us that we were being divisive. Bullshit.

When we circled up to come up with a constructive way to address the people, we were constantly interrupted by white people who could not respect our safe space. These people said that it was a public space, and we couldn't have a group that excuded them. Why is it when black people want to get together to work out our issues in our community we are called out? Sadly, one of the black women who came up to our group suggested we move to another location away from city hall, since we were having a private group. What?!!

When we wanted to address the people at the people’s assembly, we had to beg to get a spot on the program.  They wanted us to wait until afterwards and get on the open mic.  Also, we had  two people come up to the group and ask if we were going to be violent.  Why would be violent?? Because we are black? We eventually told the gate-keepers that we were going to be given the mic, or we were going to take the mic. We eventually got our spot. As the sister was talking about her experience, there were some members in support, and there were even members who came up to us afterwards to show support. But many of the people were asking us to hurry up, calm down and finish. One white guy used signals to get us to hurry up. We spoke out about RACISM IN THE 99 percent.We spoke out about how nobody was talking about the racist foundation of corporate greed. How do we talk about classim without taking about racism? American wealth can not be discussed without mention of free African slave labor, the rice, tobacco, sugar and cotton industry. We were called racist because we empowered ourselves and stood up for what was right.

This is not an original post by me I copied it from Black New Yorkers for Educational Excellence  this a group that I have membership in and this needs to be shared!

Friday, February 18, 2011

To Pastor Davis of Cornerstone Church Madison TN

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful.

For Rev. Davis, Pastor of the Cornerstone Church in Madison to say that gay people should not be allowed to earn a living because of their lifestyle is hypocritical. Why would he single out only the gay people are liars, hypocrites’ fornicators and adulterers are they any better? What about killers what about rapist are they any better. I find it very hypocritical for Pastor Davis to single out gay people he must be following the devil.

We take Allah’s color and who is better than Allah at coloring and we are his worshipers. Allah says in the holy Quran “say Allah guides to the truth is, he then who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not the way unless he is guided what is the matter with you. How do you judge and most of them follow aught but conjecture surely conjecture will not avail aught surely Allah is mighty forgiving“.

Law ofttimes is a cover for hypocrisy it can make us appear right though we may be internally evil. Such was the religious class who oppose Jesus they were out right, but inwardly hypocrites. Jesus said to them quote” woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye are like unto white tombs which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones and of  all uncleanness even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within the are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

Jesus was interested in purifying man from the inside in the law of itself cannot do that someone has to grow man out of this childlike stage. I use that term childlike because children act with their parent’s sake. But the real child is saying when the parents are not around. What is the force that grows and evolves feed nurtured nourishes? The New Testament is call the Testament of love. Love fulfills the law. Man gets a period of grace and in that grace there is love if that is rejected then comes destruction.

I suggest pestered Davis come to the Mosque. So he may be taught properly on what the role of a redeemer is. And how to properly demonstrate the will of the Messiah.

Thank you for reading these words as I greet you in peace As Salaam Aliakum.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful who came to us in the person of Master Fard Muhammad the great Madhi. He raised up for us the Christ, the most honorable Elijah Muhammad and Allah has blessed him and us with a Divine Reminder; the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan.

I have been asked to explain why we are taught that Christianity is one of the most perfect Black, Slave- making religions on our planet. It has completely killed the so-called Negroes mentality. The religion “called” Christianity is nowhere mentioned in the Bible; it was never Jesus’ religion. He had nothing whatsoever to do with so-called Christianity. Truth be told, his name is not even Jesus. If he was walking down the street and you called out to him and said; hey Jesus! how are you doing? He would keep on walking because Jesus is not his name, it is Esau. Jesus was a Jew and was regarded as a healer and teacher. Most Contemporary Scholars of the historical Jesus consider him to be an independent, charismatic founder, of the Jewish restoration movement. Most Christian denominations venerate him as God, the son incarnate, that he rose from the dead after being crucified.

One of the big questions that need to be answered is, Is Jesus God? The simple answer to that is; No. He never said that he is God. One man asked him how to pray and Jesus’ reply to him was; our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Another place someone says to him; “good master” and Jesus said, why calleth me good? there is none good but the father”. Jesus also said, I speaketh not my own will, but the will of the father. I can go and give more examples where Jesus is making it crystal clear that he is not the God he was sent by the God.

The sender is greater than the sent example your children telling you as mom or dad to go to the store and buy them a candy bar they would look at the child and say who do you think you are I am your parent I tell you, you don’t tell me. Also Jesus said I of myself can do nothing but I can do all things through the father which strengthens me. Jesus also said; I believe they that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. That quote that I just gave you is a verifier that he came bringing no new religion. The term Christianity came about in 325 A.D. at the Nicaea Council. That is where you have your Nicaea Cree that’s where Jesus got his Divinity.

Jesus said all ye shall be offended because of me this night. He said that they would be offended because they believed he was God. He was up on the cross being crucified and he could not come down himself so they were offended because their hopes in him as God, came to nothing.

Christians talk about Jesus being born from a virgin. That the holy ghost came upon Mary. When some of the Scribes and Pharisees were talking to Jesus they said to him “we be not born of fornication”.

There is no way a ghost could get her pregnant it just didn’t happened then, or today. The Bible says that there is nothing new under the sun; what was, is. We should understand that there is no such thing as a virgin birth. The Holy Quran says “and we sent her our spirit, and it appeared to her in the form of a well made man”. They say Jesus died on the cross and rose 3 days later. Friday evening, to Saturday evening, is 24 hours and Saturday evening to early Sunday morning you barely get 12 hours out of that. So Jesus never rose on the third day.

Then you have good Friday and Easter, why is Easter NEVER on the same date each year? it always changes. Now if I die today, then next year this date would be the day you drop flowers or remember me not some other date.

Also; the Bible teaches about the Christmas things you do. It states; learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens, because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are false. A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe, by the hands of a craftsman. Men deck it with silver and gold and they fasten it with hammer and nails; so that it cannot move. This practice that you call Christmas is idol worship. Look at what he says while on the cross. Jesus cried out and said, “my God my God! why hast thou forsaken me?” Again if he was God; who was he calling on because he couldn’t get down on his own power?

At the mounts of Olives Jesus took some of his disciples and had them watch and pray then he went further on to pray and his prayer was; “father if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine will be done”. Then he went back to check on his disciples and they were sleep. He awakened them and said; “pay attention”, and then he went back to pray that prayer again. He prayed that one prayer, three times. The Bible said, Jesus being in agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. If Jesus came into the world to die, why would he ask God to pass the cup so he wouldn’t have to pay that price? If he knew this was his purpose, he would not run from it. Would you?

Regarding the place called heaven. You believe this Christians; if you be good, you go to heaven, but have you ever noticed when it’s time for you to die. You don’t want to go?

They will put you on life support to try to keep you here instead of saying go ahead and die because you’re going to heaven, you’re going to a better place. Have you noticed they want to stay right here on earth?

Have you ever noticed that all Christians do not believe the same about Jesus. Some say he is God, some say, “no” he’s the son of God. Some say he is in the Trinity of the three, the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost.

Have you ever noticed the more denominations you have the more you fall away from the truth?

Did you know that Mark, Matthew, and Luke are called the Synoptic Gospel because they have a high degree of similarity in content, narrative arrangement, language, sentence, and paragraph structure? They have the same viewpoints based off marks book. They call John’s book, the Canonical Gospel. If you notice, Luke presents Christ in his humanity, as the Son of Man. John portrays him in his deity, as the son of God. John’s purpose is crystal clear to set forth Christ in his deity, in order to spark believing faith in his readers. John’s Gospel is topical not primarily chronological. As you begin to read more of the New Testament, it begins to talk about the lineage of Jesus. It says that he is the seed of David and the root of Jesse. It says that he is declared to be the son of God according to the spirit. It’s time today for us to understand the truth about this religion called Christianity. Jesus said; I am the truth, I am the door.

Jesus obeyed God to the fullest. He gave a great example of submission to the will of God. If you want to access God, you must be in total submission to God just as Jesus was, therefore you will be able to say, “when you see me you see the father,” because I die daily, so that God may live within me. I live off the word of God so that my actions will show God I love so strongly to prove there is a God.

Before Abraham was; I am. Abraham is not our father, he is not our beginning we came from God. God was in the beginning and so were we. You are all gods’ children of the most high God. Those are the words that Jesus spoke.

They say in the Bible we prophesy in part, because we see in part. Well, if you see in part, you’re not in the full light of the sun.

Let’s recap: Jesus’ name is not Jesus it is Esau.

He had nothing to do with Christianity.

He has no knowledge of Christianity.

He did not come here to give you Christianity.

He said I have not come to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance.

He said I am not here of myself but the father who sent me.

They asked him how do we pray he said pray on this wise; “our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen”

Come out of the white man’s religion and accept your own and be yourself.

Thank you for reading this blog as I greet you with the greeting words of peace; As Salaam Alaikum.

Maurice D Muhammad

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Universal Truth for Muslims, Revolutionaries, & Freedom Fighters

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful who came to us in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, the great Mahdi, who gave us the Christ, the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad and he left for us a beautiful reminder in the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan.  
I greet everybody in the greeting words of peace of As Salaam Alaikum

With this, I am going to get straight to the point.  The world in which we live is set up on Rebellion to God, everywhere you turn.  It is hard to be a righteous person in this world.  America is guilty of limitless moral failures and people who have the American mentality are in rebellion to God.

God’s law is straight, and very few people live that law.  You have homosexuality, you have murder, you have liars, and you have stealing. People are being abused, and people are being misused. These behaviors should not exist if you have the mind of God. You send your children to school to learn from the chief rebel, the Caucasian devil. They say, Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. Then you start lying after that liar. You go to church and learn about the white Jesus, and Jesus was a black man. They tell you, you are going to heaven when you are dead, yet they work the hell out of you here on earth building a heaven for them. They say, you will get yours, when you are dead.

Everything is in Rebellion to the laws of God.  Drugs are everywhere. Children getting high, even Granny and Grandpa getting high on drugs. You have your guns or knives, and some have brass knuckles.  Death and destruction is everywhere in the world. People live in rebellion and don’t give a damn. We are in a hell of a condition. God said “I will search for my sheep that is lost and I will bring him again”.  How will God do it?  He will lead the blind by a means from whence they knew not.

God came to North America in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, by Himself, bringing Guidance and the True Religion, to get us up out of this condition and remove the mark of the open enemy, and bring us out of the rebellion of Shabbazz. We are asked to become Muslims. A  Muslim is one who submits his or her will to do the will of God. That means you have to work against yourSelf.  It’s not going to be easy, but it’s your power, it’s our way out.  We have to be right. We must submit, or die.  There is no other choice! It’s not easy being a Muslim in a world of sin, but that is how we will survive the fall of the White Man’s World!
The teachings of the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad through the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan look so different, because they have come from a Divine law, and they are in submission to Allah (God).  We, have rejected the world of Satan, and are becoming gods. We are called the Nation Of Islam meaning a group or community of people who are bound together through their obedience to God. 

I never met the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad, but I was blessed to hear his teachings through the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, and through him, I learned that the Messenger is in fact the Messenger of Allah, and, that Master Fard Muhammad is Allah, (God) in Person. The obedience of Min. Louis Farrakhan, forced mine, and from that point, my whole life changed. We are taught that mere belief counts for nothing unless it’s carried into practice, so now I have to prove that “I believe”, by submitting to that Guide and Guidance.

The Holy Quran and the Bible only ask for reasonable obedience. The things that Minister Farrakhan asks us to do, we can look at that and say yes! that’s simple reason, but those whom he asked to be guides for others; what they do, goes beyond simple reasoning.  Only faith can figure it out.  Look at what God asked Abraham to do, kill his own son.  Now that is, beyond simple reason.  It’s even beyond logic according to our ability to comprehend. You can’t find logic in killing your own child, but it was Total Faith that Abraham used.  God wanted to see if Abraham loved him more than the child that He gave him. Then God told Abraham, Hold it! You don’t have to do it”. Anytime God calls you to great work, there’s going to be great sacrifice that you must go through. The lives of the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad and the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan were of complete and total sacrifice. Anybody that is connected to them is forced to live a life of sacrifice. We who wish to guide others must live a life of sacrifice and it will force others that are connected to us to sacrifice too.

Sacrifice is extremely painful because you have to give up something that you really love, something that is very dear to you, but it’s worth it in the end, when you see the results of what you bring in. Sacrifice is the thing that brings you closer to God. The greatest sacrifice is to sacrifice your will,
your desires on the altar of God for His purpose. When we look at the Life of the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, when he wanted to be a musician.  He wanted to make money and make people happy.  He didn’t want to be a Leader of Black people. But he met the Messenger of God and was asked to give up his music and give his life to the mission of restoration of the lives of our people.
So when I met Minister Farrakhan, I like him, had a life that I wanted to live that would have made my soul happy, but he called me, like Jesus called Peter, to put up the net and go to work.  Everybody had to deny themselves in order to follow that man, and it is the same for us today. You can’t walk behind Farrakhan without giving up what you were, in order to be what God is calling you to be. And the problem is you want to hold on to that Nigger. You don’t want to give up the world or your nigger ways in order to become a god. You want to run from your part of the mission. That’s your problem you’re half stepping, when you should be running, and you wonder why you’re not as successful as you could be or want to be.  
Look at the nigger hanging around your neck and get rid of it and become the Muslim that you came here to be.
What are you here for?   Are you here to be a Muslim or are you here to be what you were?  If you are here to be a Muslim, then don’t you think it’s time to stop rebelling, and stop running from your assignment and start submitting?   Death has entered into the house. (our homes, mind, & soul) Come on Muslims, Revolutionaries, and Freedom Fighters; it’s our time now! Remember the Minister said there will come a time when you will realize the meaning of the words in the Muslim fight song!

Thank you for reading these few words
Maurice Muhammad
As Salaam Alaikum